It's been a long, long time since my last post, over two years in fact. I didn't mean to stay away for so long, but one thing led to another, and two long years of internet silence resulted. Many things happened. I traveled to Serbia, Montenegro, UK, Morocco, Amsterdam, Jamaica, Florida, California and Nevada. I moved twice, shopped way too much, and wore some amazing outfits. I continued working and then decided that I had enough of it. Most importantly, I got engaged and got married. That was and still is an amazing time, and maybe I'll talk about it some more another time. But right now, I want to talk about my job, deciding that I am not happy with it, and doing something about it!
Sounds pretty boring, right, blogging about work? But it explains how I got to where I am now. I was unhappy, unsatisfied and quite honestly downright miserable. And after many attempts to change my situation while staying in the same career, without any positive results, I decided to change everything. I applied to the AAS program in Fashion Studies at Parsons. And I was accepted.
And now here it is,schooltime. After months and days and hours of waiting and waiting and eagerly counting down the moments until classes would start, here it is, that amazing wonderful moment when the process towards everything I have wanted and dreamed of will begin. I will now not only be eating, living, breathing and talking about fashion, I will also be making it, hopefully. Pretty cool, huh?
So what's the point of yet another long rant on seemingly nothing relevant? Well, I decided that I want to blog about my experience at Parsons, and share with you, the world, everything that I will experience and go through during my time there. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this and post at least once a week.
Wish me luck!